Wednesday, January 4, 2012

His Brains are showing!

Child: I colored Flounder's Brains Yellow, because that's the color his brains should be.
Mom: You mean his Forehead?
Child: Yeah, but you should call them brains not forehead.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Too Girly

Adult - Xxxx (boy) would you like some sparkilng grape juice to celebrate New Years with?
Boy - No Thanks. It's to girly to drink something with glitter in it.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Travel Plans

Child - We're pretending that this is the Airport.
Adult - Ok, where are you flying?
Child - To the basement.
Adult - The basement?
Child - Yes, the basement in Paris, it's very fancy.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Hungry, hungry hippos

The hippos eat BALLS Mom!!

Smelly Boy!

Once upon a time there were two sister princesses. Their names were Clara and Cher. They lived on a castle; the castle had a tower and an escape slide, and two beds. It also had two round windows so that they princesses could look outside.

The princess sisters saw a boy coming to the castle with his boy smell. He wanted to make them a...ll smelly. And then they ran away, but he chased them. They kept on running and he kept on chasing. He followed them all over the kingdom and then back into the castle. He has put his boy smell in a sprayer and was spraying everyone with his boy smell. The boy even got baby T the smiling princess with his smell.

Then princess Cher made a good smelling potion and she rescued the kingdom and made everyone smell like girls again.